"Joseph dreamed another dream… the sun, moon and the eleven stars were bowing
before me." Genesis 37:9
Joseph dreamed of greatness, and he achieved it. Still, he paid a steep price for that greatness, suffering
years of enslavement and imprisonment.
Dreams and fantasy are very different. Fantasy is mere wishful thinking, something we know is beyond reach,
but a dream is something that may be in the future, yet is achievable. Suppose Joseph had known that in order to obtain the
promise of the dream, he would have to endure years of suffering. Would he have foregone the greatness, or would he have accepted
the pain? Since Joseph understood the dream to be a revelation of Yahveh’s plan for him, he undoubtedly would have chosen
to accept the suffering it entailed.
We may be frequently confronted with a decision whether to resign ourselves to the status quo or to try
to advance ourselves at considerable cost. Pray for Divine guidance, and if you feel secure in the knowledge that Yahveh wants
you to reach your optimum potential, you should not retreat because of the personal cost entailed. You have the wisdom to
make the right choice. Pray to know what Yahveh's will is for you, and for the courage to achieve it.