"And he (Moses) struck the rock with his staff." Numbers 20:11-12
Due to his error, Moses was not permitted to enter the Promised Land. What was his error? He was supposed
to talk to a specific rock and that rock was to respond by producing water for the thirsty Israelites. Instead, Moses
hit the rock with his staff and the rock produced the needed water.
What’s the difference if one talks to the rock or hits the rock, you ask? Everyone realizes that the
miracle is equally wondrous whether you hit or speak to a rock and the rock responds by producing water.
Yahveh wants to teach us a valuable lesson. A person should always speak the words of the Torah, even to
people who don't understand. Eventually, with a lot of teaching, the people will understand. Never give up on teaching
and guiding your children just because you feel that they don't understand. Be persistent. Just like the rock that didn't
understand, yet fulfilled the command of Yahveh, many people who don't understand now, will ultimately understand. With
patience and much teaching we will ultimately understand and observe all of the words of Yahveh.