"You shall not covet your fellow man's house; you shall not covet your fellow man's
wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maiden-servant, nor his ox and donkey, nor anything which belongs to your fellow man."
Exodus 20:14
Any one who covets something belonging to his friend and pressures him into selling it violates this commandment.
The very desiring of someone else's possession is a violation of a different prohibition: "You shall not
desire the house of your fellow man, nor his ox and his donkey, nor anything, which belongs to your fellow man."
Deuteronomy 5:18
Wrong desire leads to coveting, and coveting leads to stealing. For if a person strongly wants someone's
possession and is unable to acquire it through payment, he may eventually steal it. How can we overcome wrong desires?
We should realize that it is Yahveh's will that certain things should belong to another and learn to be satisfied with what
Yahveh has given us.