The Scriptures have many references to seeing Yahveh’s presence in everything. Psalm 104
is a beautiful song of nature, which recounts Yahveh's presence in all His Works. How
many are Your works, O Yahveh. You have fashioned them all with wisdom. Psalms 104:24
Today, more than ever, people have been privileged to see the marvels of Divine Wisdom. Thanks to the marvels of electronic
technology, we can see the Divine Engineering in the structure of a blade of grass, in the function of a cell of protoplasm,
in the complex structure of the atom and in the awesome composition of super galaxies.
It is wrong to live in a world that testifies to the omnipresence of Yahveh and not acknowledge it. This is one reason to
give thanks daily for the many blessings around us. Everything we come in contact with, is a testimony to Yahveh the