"Why should we be excluded from sacrificing?" Numbers 9:7
When a group of Israelites who were ritually impure could not participate in the Passover, they complained
to Moses and said, "Why should we be exempt from this just because we are unclean? Isn't there something for us to do?" Therefore
they were given Pesah Sheni, where a person can "make up" the Passover.
Many times we start something, but it doesn't work out. How do we feel about being off the hook? Are we
relieved, as if another burden is off of us, or do we feel the lack of opportunity to serve Yahveh?
There was once a great Rabbi who came to a large yeshivah with a proposal. Whoever could answer his
difficult question would have a chance to marry his daughter. The question was extremely difficult, and although many potential
answers were suggested, no one came up with the right response, so the Rabbi headed back to his town. On the way back home
the Rabbi saw someone trying to catch up to him, and when he stopped, he realized it was one of the students from the yeshivah.
"Did you think of another answer?" the Rabbi asked. "No, but I couldn't bear not to know the right answer," the student replied.
The Rabbi then exclaimed, "You are the one for my daughter if you feel that way about Torah!"
We should realize that keeping the Torah and the Commandments are opportunities rather than burdens. That
way we will fulfill them in a better way and it will further enrich and uplift our lives.