That there is value to physical attractiveness and charm cannot be denied. However, giving these qualities primary value
is a mistake. They are subject to change, certainly in the aging process. Even the most striking physical beauty becomes commonplace
with time. A relationship based on physical characteristic stands on a shaky foundation.
"Beauty is only skin deep" is a popular saying. The problem is that physical attractiveness may distort our perception
and judgment, and we may imagine that the person has qualities of substance which do not exist in reality.
We should pay more attention to spiritual attributes. In direct contrast to physical features, good character
traits tend to intensify and improve with maturity.
When Eliezer was commissioned to find a wife for Isaac, he made loving-kindness the prime criterion.
Rebekah was indeed very beautiful but her physical beauty did not impress Eliezer, who followed the teachings of his
master, Abraham. (Genesis 24:12-16)