"Yahveh is your shadow at your right hand." Psalms 121:5
The Rabbis taught that Yahveh acts toward us accordingly as we act toward other people. Thus,
if people are willing to forgive those who have offended them, Yahveh will similarly overlook their misdeeds. If a person
is very judgmental and reacts with anger to any offense, Yahveh will be equally strict. The meaning of "Yahveh is your shadow"
is that a person's shadow mimics his every action.
If we wish to know how Yahveh will relate to us, the answer is simple: exactly in the same way we relate to others. If
we demand perfection from others, He will demand it of us. If we can love others even though they do not measure up to our
standards and expectations, then He will love us in spite of our shortcomings.