"And Moses said to the people, do not be afraid." Exodus 14:13
When the children of Israel saw the Egyptians pursuing them, they panicked and complained to Moses for
taking them out of Egypt.
Why didn’t they fight to defend themselves against the Egyptians, since they greatly outnumbered their pursuers?
The Egyptians had been the masters of the Israelites. The people who went out from Egypt learned from their youth to bear the
yoke of the Egyptians, and they felt inferior to them. Therefore they were unable to fight against their masters.
The same principle applies to each of us in our daily battles. If we view ourselves as inferior and
guilty, we will not even try to fight against our enemies. When we don't believe in ourselves and our abilities, we feel
discouraged and defeated. Our task is to view ourselves as winners. Realize that you have great potential. Be aware of your
strengths and know that when you are resolved to overcome your problems, you will succeed, because "Yahveh
shall do battle for you." Exodus 14:14