"Who will dwell in Your Tabernacle, who will rest on Your Holy Mountain? One who speaks
the truth in his heart, who swears to his own hurt but will not retract." Psalms 15:1-4
People tend to believe that they are acting as truthfully as possible. We all know, however, how easily
we can deceive ourselves. Since truth may be elusive, how then can we know that we have the truth?
We can know that we have the truth when we have the courage to feel the pain of accepting it. People lie
because they think the lie will be less painful or costly for them than the truth. They often fail to grow because they are
reluctant to face the painful truth that they have done wrong. We all try to avoid pain, and therefore we are apt to rationalize
and justify our behavior. These are nothing but lies. Facing the truth and accepting the pain that comes with it requires
People who "speak the truth in their heart" do not retract their word even if it is to their own hurt. On
the other hand, those who constantly seek to change everything to conform to their maximum comfort are only lying to themselves.