"Yahveh said to Moses, Speak to the Israelites and tell them, you shall be holy."
Exodus 19:1-2
The three occasions where we find the command to be holy, (Exodus 19:1-2, 20:7,26) it is in the context
of observing Yahveh's laws and the prohibition of idol worship. After being ordered to 'be holy' the Israelites were commanded:
1. To respect parents - a commandment between Man and Man.
2. To observe the Sabbaths - a commandment between Man and Yahveh.
3. Not to worship idols - a commandment between Man and Yahveh.
4. To correctly observe the laws of Temple offerings – a commandment between Man and Yahveh.
5. To leave specified produce for those in need - a commandment between Man and Man.
6. A large number of laws respecting the lives, property occupations and social well-being of others
- culminating in "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Exodus 19:18) – commandments between Man and Man.
Yahveh's laws, including instructions against Sabbath desecration, idolatry and the offering of
sacrifices, promote justice and social well being. From this we learn that keeping a right relationship with Yahveh
enables us to lead a holy life.