Is a person supposed to take steps to provide for oneself, or should one rely completely on Yahveh to take care of everything?
If relying on Yahveh is taken to mean doing nothing for oneself, this is certainly not Yahveh’s Will. The Torah
says that Yahveh will bless us in all that we do (Deuteronomy 15:18), which obviously means that He expects
us to do for ourselves. Some people are able to do things for themselves, but because of fear, never get to
do them. People who have strong faith and trust in Yahveh are much less likely to become victims of such paralyzing anxiety.
While there are such things as panic or anxiety attacks that are medical problems and require treatment, there are also
a variety of anxieties that are due to feelings of insecurity and apprehension. This kind of anxiety is greatly mitigated
by a firm trust in Yahveh.