"Isaac entreated Yahveh opposite his wife because she was barren." Genesis
Prayer is our most powerful asset. As we see in the instance of Isaac and Rebecca, Yahveh responded to Isaac’s
prayer, and
Rebecca conceived both Esau and Jacob. We should never think that this could only happen in the days
of old, or that Yahveh responded because of Isaac’s greatness. The Almighty listens today and to each and
every one of us in all circumstances.
A story is told about a very wealth man who lost all of his money. He went to his Rabbi and told him,
"I have no peace day or night. I can't even concentrate and pray in my hard times!" The Rabbi told him a story about how a
wicked king once wanted to sing a song of praise to Yahveh, but the angel Gabriel came and smacked him across the face. The
Rabbi asked: Could it be that in the heavens they didn't want to hear the prayers of that king? No, that could not be. The
angel was sent to slap him to see how he will sing after getting a slap in the face!
The Rabbi looked at the once wealthy man and said to him, "In the heavens, they already heard your prayers
when you had wealth and serenity. Now they want to hear your prayers in poverty. Why shouldn't you pray?"
Sometimes we feel that now is not the time for prayers. Let things calm down a bit first. It is precisely
now that Yahveh wants us to come to Him. Don't let the opportunity pass you by.