"What thoughts go through your mind when you meet someone new?" I asked a friend. "I always mentally bless people with
success in what is important to them" was his reply.
When you wish people success, your face will show it and even though they don't know exactly what you are thinking,
they’ll receive an ‘uplifting’.
All too many people think critical or negative thoughts about others. This is noticeable in the look in their eyes and
in their facial expression. With very critical people, the victims can feel quite uncomfortable.
How can we change? Let’s begin by seeing the good in others and blessing them in their minds whether we know them
or we’re seeing them for the first time. When you see that someone has a troubled, worried or sad look on his face,
bless him in your mind. Wish him healing, wish him solutions, wish him joy.
When we fill our mind with blessings for others, we will be the first to benefit from it.