"For Yahveh your Elohim - it is He Who goes with you, He will not loosen His hold on
you, nor will He forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
Yahveh promised that He will never forsake us and He will never loosen His hold on us. He will always hold
us close to Him like a father who always holds his baby close to him. The baby is very attached to his mother and father,
so much so that if the parent walks away for just a minute, the baby begins to cry. This is the way we should be with Yahveh,
our Father. We should not, for a moment, take our minds off of Him. If we feel distant, we should feel we are missing something
important. This is why Yahveh created the baby with that type of behavior - to teach us how we should act towards Him.
We should constantly work on being and feeling close to Yashua. After all, the verse says He will never
loosen His grip on us. Let us try to take our focus off of the things of this world, and focus more on our Father as He holds
us tight.