"And He (Yahveh) led him outside and said, Look towards the heaven and count the stars
if you are able to count them. And He said to him, so shall be your seed." Genesis 15:5
This is actually a dialogue between Yahveh and Abraham. After Abraham was told to count the stars in heaven,
he proceeded to do the impossible - he began to count. Yahveh then stoped him and said, "Do you really think you can
count the stars in heaven? So will be your seed."
Our will should not be measured by our ability, but rather, our ability should be measured by our will.
Very often a commandment or a good deed seems very hard to fulfill, either because of lack of time, strength or whatever excuse
may arise. If we will make a proper self-evaluation we will see that we are not lacking in ability but rather in
will and desire to perform the commandment or good deed.