His Word
Remembered Or Remembrance
The Sacred And The Profane
Praise Him In All Things
More Blessings
Now Is The Time
Desert Clothes
It Takes Time
Moving On
Be Sensitive
A Word In Season
Leading By Example
Conditional Promises
Anonymous Giving
It's Enough
Counting The Names
Refuge In Forgiveness
Watching Over You
Facing Your Fears
Who Is To Blame
Improper Desires
Be Ye Holy
Clinging To The Truth
Remembered Or Remembrance
Hidden Treasures In Egypt
Broken Tablets ~ Broken Relationships
Love And Forgiveness
Tough Love
And You Shall Love
What Do You Love
Growing Up
That You May Live
Strengthen Your Faith
What Kind Of Person Are You
What Can I Do For You
Stiff Neck
The First Man, Adam
Admonitions In Scripture
Why Was Aaron Punished
When In Doubt
Seek His Light
Desire His Commandments
Use Your Common Sense
Complete Surrender
Be Yourself
Spiritual Strength
Evaluate Properly
Examine Your Priorities
Choose Your Priorities
Be A Man
Be A Wise Man
Blaming Others
Trading Places
Proper Conduct
Keep Pure
More Land
Forty Days, Forty Years
Where Are You
Do Not Fear
As Rain
Hatred Without Cause
Peace In The Home
Great Love
Taking Risks
Tests And Spiritual Growth
Sustained By His Power
Turn And See
Be Ye Holy
Love Your Neighbor
Be Ye Perfect
Pursue Righteoness
Speaking The Truth
Be Sincere
Be Content
Be Trustworthy
True Gratitude
Love And Humility
Setting Priorities
Seeing The Word
Test of Character
The Year of Jubilee
It's A Daily Battle
Simpletons And Fools
Created In His Image
Showing Respect
Rest Among The Wise
See Your Dreams Fulfilled
No Competition
Keeping Records
Fault Finding
Listening To Evil Report
Are You Easily Offended
Uplifting Thoughts
It's Not About The Money
Accepting Responsibility
Clothes And Perfection
His Special Creation
Fear or Faith
Why Worry
Come Out
A Call To Separation
A Light To The Nations
The Praises of Yahveh
Be Compassionate
The Road To Success
You Are Special
The Fear of Yahveh
Righteous Giving
Helping The Poor
Speaking His Word
Gaining Wealth
No Coincidence
You Count
Receive Your Blessings
All Things Are Possible
Pray Without Ceasing
Speak To A Friend
Yahveh's Vessels
It Is Better
Long Life
Abraham's Wisdom
The Unexpected Witnesses
Measure For Measure
Seeking After Yahveh
Like A Baby
Consider Yourself Dead
Wandering or Traveling
Gaining Wisdom
Firm Trust
Concern or Worry
Divine Blessings
Face The Truth
Do Unto Others
When We Pray
Courage To Grow
The Power of Speech
Showing Gratitude
Sugar And Humility
Do The Right Thing
Real Forgiveness
The Pleasure of Forgiving
Love Relationship
Acts of Kindness
Say Something Nice
Never Stop Learning
The Value of Working
There Is Hope
Lest You Die
Now What
The Unusual Oath
Be Still

"When you go to war in your land against an enemy who oppresses you, you shall sound short blasts of the trumpets, and you shall be remembered before Yahveh your Elohim, and you shall be saved from your enemies. On the days of your rejoicing and festivals you shall sound the trumpets, and they shall be a remembrance for you before Yahveh your Elohim."  Numbers 10:9-10  

The occasions when the Torah commands the public blowing of the shofars (trumpets) were ones of great sorrow on one hand, and great joy on the other. Times of sorrow and distress included war, epidemic and drought. The short blasts of the shofar, denoting sobbing, wailing, were a call to repentance and a reminder that sin brings sorrow and suffering. Thinking that such calamities are mere coincidences keeps people from changing and enables them to continue in their corrupt ways that brought the calamity on them in the first place.
The Torah states that Yahveh will heed the sounds of the shofar (trumpet) and show favor to his people - whether they are blown in sorrow or in joy, though in two different ways. In times of sorrow we are remembered before Yahveh - implying on that specific occasion. In times of happiness, however, the sounds of the shofar shall be a remembrance before Yahveh. This phrase implies a continual and perpetual favor, and not just on that particular occasion.

Why should Yahveh view the ceremonies rooted in happiness more positively than those rooted in sadness? 
The story of Jephtah is an example of how we, too, relate to Yahveh. It opens with the ill treatment Jephtah suffered by his own family, which caused him to run away from them. Jephtah, the mighty warrior, was the son of a harlot, though his father, Gilead, had other children from his lawful wife. As they grew up they drove Jephtah away, saying to him, "You shall not inherit in our father's house because you are the son of another woman." Judges 11:1-2  Later on, however, when their lives were in danger, they turned to Jephtah to lead them in the battle for their very survival.
Jepthah reminded them of his earlier suffering: Don't you hate me, for you drove me out of my father's house? Why do you turn to me now, when it is bad for you? (v. 7) Nevertheless, he agreed to lead them, and with the 'Spirit of Yahveh on him' (v. 29) he brought them to a successful victory over the people of Ammon.
Unfortunately this is the way many of us relate to Yahveh.
The story of Jephtah and his brothers reflect the way many people relate to Yahveh. When things are going well, they think that they can make their own terms with the Almighty. Moses said: "Jeshurun (Israel) became fat and kicked, and spurned Yahveh who made him."  Deuteronomy 32:15

Keeping the commandments during times of prosperity was too great a burden for many, especially with huge profits to be made from exploiting slaves beyond the bounds permitted by the Torah. (Jeremiah 34:8-11) Thus the people 'drove Yahveh out of their lives' when they thought they were under sunny skies. That suggests why Yahveh appears to be less enthusiastic when people appeal for His mercy, than when they say 'thank you" - even when things are going well.
Like the words of Jephtah, "Why do you turn to me now, when it is bad for you... Where were you until now?" says Yahveh. "Why did you not include me in your lives when times were good?"
Yahveh hears all our prayers at all times. And indeed, in times of trouble, when the trumpet blasts are sounded, He promises that we will be remembered and we will be saved. Even more so, when we joyfully thank Him for the good things which could so easily be taken for granted, blowing the trumpets becomes a 'remembrance before Him' - permanent, not temporary condition.

True friends show loyalty and care at all times. A person who only shows friendship when he needs you is a friend of sorts, but not a real friend. David said: "When I am surrounded with the pains of death, I call on the Name of Yahveh."  Psalms 116:3-4 He did not forget to express his gratitude in the good time as well, as it is written: "How can I thank Yahveh for all the wonderful things He has done for me. I raise the cup of Salvation and call in the Name of Yahveh."  Psalms 12-13
The Torah requires us to keep the commandments at all times, whether times are good or difficult.