"And the Israelites encamped there, near the mountain (Mount Sinai)." Exodus
The word for 'encamped' is in the singular, teaching us that the people of Israel were
united ~ "as one person with one heart." It also means to 'find favor'. Thus, united, the people found favor in
the eyes of Yahveh.
When we only see the faults and shortcomings of others, we become distant from them. When we see the
good and positive in others, we become closer to them. How is this kind of unity developed?
Togetherness between people is possible only when there is humility. When the Israelites came to Mount Sinai,
which is the symbol of humility, they received this attribute. When we have humility, we do not feel a need to gain power
over others or to feel above them by focusing on their faults. Humility allows us to see the good in others. Love for others,
seeing the good in them and having humility go hand in hand.
By growing in these traits we make Yahveh's Word real to others.