spoke to Moses face to face, just as a person would speak to a friend." Exodus 33:11
Moses was the only prophet to whom Yahveh spoke directly, just as a person would converse with a friend, however,
this uniqueness went only one way. Every single one of us has the ability to speak to Yahveh directly, "as a person would
speak to a friend" and indeed, we should do so. This way we can fully express our innermost feelings.
At times we address Him as the King of the Universe, which He is. We also plead with Him as a child does with a parent,
which He is, but we don’t tell a king or even our parents everything about ourselves. With a friend, however, we have
fewer restrictions and less resistance. We can reveal everything to a friend, even things that we would be too embarrassed
or reluctant to tell anyone else.
The scriptures refer to Yahveh Yashua as "Friend" (Proverbs 27:10) because it wishes us to have this relationship
with Him, as well as that of subject to sovereign and child to father. You may ask, "Since Yahveh knows our thoughts, why
should we mention them to Him verbally in prayer?" The answer is that by doing so, we reinforce our relationship to Him as
a friend.
When you pray, speak to Him just as you would speak to your friend.