"Go out. Go out. Leave that place. Don't touch anything unclean. Leave her midst. Keep pure,
you that carry Yahveh's vessels. For you will not leave in haste, nor will you depart in flight." Isaiah 52:11-12
Although the immediate context of these verses are the return of the Babylonian exile long after Isaiah's
death, it also fortells the future Messianic climax which becomes the theme of the final chapters of this very lengthy
Isaiah describes the manner in which the Israelites should leave their places of residence in the Diaspora:
Go out! Go out! Leave that place! Don't touch anything unclean! Leave her midst! Keep pure, you that carry Yahveh's vessels.
For you will not leave in haste, nor will you depart in flight. (Isaiah 52:11-12)
Israel was told to prepare in advance to leave in a dignified manner, remembering that they 'carry
Yahveh's vessels' - the Torah and its values. They should not 'leave in haste' as refugees, but as 'Yahveh's Chosen People' -
a nation who chose Him, and was chosen by Him. (Exodus 19:6,8) The Israelites were told to 'keep pure', and not to 'touch
anything unclean' - distancing themselves from the negative aspects of the cultures and values around them
As carriers of 'Yahveh's vessels', we must relate to others in a godly way - with dignity and by