"When you reap your harvest in your field, and you forget a single sheaf (of produce),
you shall not return to collect it, but it shall be for the proselyte, the widow and the orphan; so that Yahveh your Elohim
will bless you in whatever you do." Deuteronomy 24:19
The "forgotten sheaf" is one of the gifts the Torah
gives to the poor. The forgotten sheaf, the corners of the field and the gleanings of the harvest, all appear to be "the crumbs
that fall from the rich man's table." With all these items, the Torah supports the needy without unduly taxing the rich -
if he is wealthy enough to own his own field, he would be unlikely to reap it to the last grain.
The Torah also requires a person to grant loans even where there is a high probability that the debt will have to be
written off because of the Shemitta. For this Yahveh promises Divine reward, assuring blessings in all we do.