"The children of Israel traveled from Ra'amses, and they camped in Succot."
Numbers 33:5
There are various opinions as to the Torah's purpose in recording the journeys and the encampments of the
Children of Israel during the years they traveled in the wilderness. I believe that the various journeys and encampments were
recorded to emphasize Yahveh's order and careful planning for the Israelites during these years. The Children of Israel
were not wandering disoriented and lost in the wilderness. The expression "wandering in the wilderness" is an erroneous
one. Traveling in the desert is more correct.
Why did all of the places where Israel dwelt deserve to have their
names mentioned in the Torah? Yahveh watches over us like in the desert. We, too, are not wandering - we are traveling. Don’t
ever feel too settled down. This way, you will be ready to go to the next stop whenever Yahveh calls you.