"And you shall make sacred garments for Aaron, your brother, for glory and majesty."
Exodus 28:2
The Torah devotes an entire parashah to the preparation of the priestly garments. Indeed, the Torah apportions
more space for it than for the sacred vessels which were used in the Tabernacles. Although the priestly vestments
were not part of the actual service, the service could be performed only when the High Priest was wearing them. It is
apparent that these garments had a special meaning.
The moral attributes and character manifested by the Priest should be inherent throughout his entire
essence. It should be reflected externally as well. If these traits are not externally apparent, he is not suitable to
entreat Yahveh on behalf of the people because atonement demands one who is the personification of perfection.
Every believer is obligated to affirm himself as a member of a "Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation".
This is to be our distinctive feature. To fulfill this goal we must invest ourselves with the 'clothing' of a holy nation:
pure moral characteristics. Like the Holy Garments of the priests of old, our worthiness of the mantle is symbolized by our
being 'clothed' in the Holiness of the Perfect One - Yashua.