"Moses thought, I will turn aside and look at this great sight - why will the bush not
be burned?" Exodus 3:3
What caused Moses to approach the burning bush?
As Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, he saw an amazing sight - a small bush
aflame. The interesting thing about it was the fact that the dry bush continued to burn on and on and didn't get consumed
by the fire. Moses' curiosity led him to a life changing encounter with the Almighty, when Yahveh spoke to
him from the burning bush, and commanding him to return to Egypt and take His people Israel out from their slavery.
people of Israel have been persecuted throughout history, but like the bush that could not be consumed - they
too live on. Likewise, Yahveh’s people, sustained by His Power, will live on, despite all efforts to destroy