Deuteronomy 23:4-5
The Torah appears to give a very harsh verdict on Moab - a perpetual exclusion from having the privilege of marrying
into the Israelite community.
Israel was specifically commanded by Yahveh 'not to harass Moab by waging war against them'. Jephtah
recalls that the Israelites sent a polite request to the King of Moab for passage through his land, which was refused. That
would have given the Moabites the opportunity to come to terms peacefully with the Israelites by offering them hospitality.
Instead, they acted against their own interests by turning a potential friend into an enemy, and they brought suffering on
themselves by 'greatly fearing' the Israelites. (Judges 11:17-18)
The Moabites did not accept Yahveh but clung stubbornly to their idol Kemosh, yet tried to use Yahveh
by employing Balaam to curse Israel. It is the groundless hatred against Israel that earned them the harsh judgment of
never being allowed to enter the Congregation of Israel.