"The heart of those that seek Yahveh shall rejoice. Seek Yahveh and His might, constantly
seek His countenance." Psalms 105:3-4
Why should we try to seek Yahveh? He is infinitely great, and so totally beyond human grasp that the
search to understand Him is all in vain.
Spiritual quests are different from physical ones. In worldly matters, our quest is futile and
disappointing if we find nothing. Not so in our search for the Almighty, wherein the search itself brings joy and
elevates the searcher.
We should never cease our searching, because the promise of joy in searching is contingent upon its
continuity. We cannot stop midway. Abandoning the search for Yahveh at any point brings us back to square one. To achieve
the joy in searching, we must constantly seek His countenance.
"You shall seek your Elohim, and you shall find Him, if you seek Him with all your
heart and soul." Deuteronomy 4:29
You shall find Him if you seek Him, but only if it is a lifelong quest, with all your heart and soul.